Identity Management
When a user first logs in, they are required to input some identity data. Currently we only support logins via Google account. We are working on additional authentication options: email/password, SSO with Learning Management Systems.
Sample data
User data is stored in two places, FireBase's built-in user pool and FireStore.
The user pool stores what is returned from the identity provider. For example, a user created via Google login has
"uid": "APgf5SYmkkXu1d13fw25K4BxyRI3",
"email": "",
"emailVerified": true,
"displayName": "Scott Crossley",
"isAnonymous": false,
"photoURL": "",
"providerData": [
"providerId": "",
"uid": "112168403617264073813",
"displayName": "Scott Crossley",
"email": "",
"phoneNumber": null,
"photoURL": ""
"stsTokenManager": {
"refreshToken": "some token",
"accessToken": "some token",
"expirationTime": 1672719819067
"createdAt": "1666046663358",
"lastLoginAt": "1672716219080",
"apiKey": "some api key",
"appName": "[DEFAULT]"
FireStore keeps a record of user data.
"displayName": "jane doe",
"email": "",
// the user's current progress submitting summaries, incremented everytime when the user submits a new successful
"location": {
"module": 1,
"chapter": 1,
"section": 4,
"photoURL": "",
// an array of sucessful summaries
"summaries": []